What are the differences between LASIK and PRK surgery? How do you choose which procedure to get?

LASIK and PRK surgery are both corrective vision surgical procedures that utilize an excimer laser to reshape the cornea through tissue removal.

One of the most significant distinctions between LASIK and PRK is how the procedures work. LASIK makes a flap in the cornea, then closes the flap after the procedure. PRK takes away the top layer of the cornea which will regenerate on its own during recovery.

Both procedures have their advantages! LASIK provides more rapid recovery with little to no discomfort, but is not suitable for patients with thinner corneas. It may also lead to dry eyes and may have greater risks of complications compared to PRK.

Recovery from PRK takes longer (7-10 days for vision recovery, and postoperative eye drops for up to 2 months) and may cause discomfort for days following the procedure. But it has lower risks of complications and is endorsed for people with thinner corneas.

Seeking to finally get clear vision without glasses or contacts? Speak with our prominent specialists at NW Cornea Institute about getting the best laser eye surgery for you!
